What is Georgia Pediatric Program? Who is eligible?
Georgia Pediatric Program is also known as GAPP, is funded by Georgia Medicaid. Georgia Pediatric Program is a Medicaid/ Katie Beckett program that provides FREE with NO COST services to medically fragile children under the age of 21 in need of skilled nursing care and personal care support, in their homes. Services are approved based on the child’s medical needs, and families who are eligible for Medicaid can apply for GAPP at any time.
What if I do not meet the Medicaid Income Requirement, Can I qualify for service?
Yes, Katie Beckett Wavier, or Deeming Wavier, is another eligibility category for Medicaid for children the age of 18. The Katie Beckett Wavier takes parents income out of the equation and base the decision on the child(ren) needs. If the child is qualifies for the Katie Beckett Wavier, they become eligible for services available under the regular state Medicaid plan.
What is the GAPP Approval Process?
Skilled nursing and personal care services provided under GAPP include:
> Professional And Quality Home Care coordinator comes out to your home to complete initial paperwork.
> Qualifying documents are sent to GAPP for approval
> The GAPP Decision Team determines eligibility
> GAPP and Professional And Quality Home Care contacts family with decision
> Home or Nursing Care starts with your loved one based on approval
> The process usually takes 30 to 60 days to go trough the approval process. Once approved, your loved one will start receiving care immediately.
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